Wednesday 15 November 2017

Carnival Masks

Year 5 were very fortunate to have another John Lyons workshop where they created their own carnival masks.

Write a set of instructions to inform other children how to make these masks.


  1. 1. You need a template to draw around once you do that get scissors and start cutting .
    2. After get some razor blade but let your teacher do that so no accident happen.
    3. After you get you eyes cut out then start collaging your mask with tissue paper which are collard
    4. After collaging you want to make a crown with paper you will need 2
    5.after get a stapler and staple the crown make sure that the staple isn't the sarp egge and decorate after get them and get a stapler an staple them together
    That is,how yo make a mask

  2. 1. Get a template any get a5 thick paper
    2. Draw around the paper on it cut out the eyes with a knife
    3. Get 2 strips out of the a5 paper and one large strip
    4. Decorate your template
    5. Attach the two strips like a plus symbol with a stapler salotape onto thick one around the bottom
    6. Attach your template to your strips and you've done it
    6.finally staple your template to your

  3. step 1

    first draw in the shape what you want

    step 2 cut it out and make sure you cut all the bits of paper

    step 3 design it with tissue paper

    step 4 get 3 paper lines to make the crown

    step 5 decorate the crown then put it together with a stapler or masking tape

    step 6 then put both the crown and the mask together and if you want you can add things coming out of the crown

    step 7 its all done;]

  4. 1 get your template and trace ouround it with an pincle.
    2 cut the un needeed access and dicorate yout masks
    3 next get an adult to cut the eyes out
    4 after you will need to get two strips of cardboard that will fit the size of your head
    5 staple them on top of each other then get creative
    6 now you well need to staple the mask and head pice together to finsh you last job
    7 now enjoy wering your mask and sowing your friends

  5. 1. you draw the mask.
    2. you could put what colour you like.
    3 if you are done you would have one top do the same put what colour you like.
    4. take the stew and put on top of your mask and that it.

  6. How to make masks

    1. Get a piece of card.
    2. Get a template of a mask and place it on top of the card.
    3. cut around it carefully
    4. And ask a parent to help you cut the eye of.
    5. when you have done all of that you can decorate it with all stuff but we did tissue paper
    JON LIONS said that when he finish
    it he will make a little
    dance with it
    that was

  7. This is how to make a carnival mask.

    • First you get a cardboard and you make a mask shape. (You can make the shape and the size how you want, but you will need help with your parents because small children like year 2 could make a messy mask.)

    • Next you use a sharp knife to cut the cardboard out (Obviously with a parent). (You would need to do the eyes too)

    • After that you will need to get an A3 card paper (not paper)

    • Then you get your cardboard paper that you have cut, and you put it on your card.

    • Trace the card with a pencil and get scissors and cut the paper around the trace.

    To be continued

  8. 1. We had a sheet of paper and we drew the outline of the mask template.
    2. Then we cut out the mask.
    3. Then we decorated our masks with lots of different colours of tissue paper.
    4. After we measured our heads with a strip of paper, and stapled both sides.
    5. Once we finished the crown we attached the mask to the crown with staples.
    6. Then we had to decide where to put the long straws, I had three I put one on the left, one on the right and one at the front.

    I really enjoyed it because we learnt how to make masks with just a little bit of paper.

  9. How to make masks
    step.1 Get a piece of card.
    step.2 Get the mask that you've got made out of card.
    step.3 Get the card and the card mask and draw around it with a pencil.
    step.4 Then draw the eyes.
    step.5 You get colourful tissue paper and decorate it.
    step.6 Its finished.

  10. 1. Draw an out line of the mask you want
    2. Cut your marvelous mask out
    3. Then decorate you can us any think but I used tissue paper
    4. Then cut out 3 strips of card
    5. You need to get 1 of the strips an tern it in to a circle
    6. Then put on 1 of your other strips and bend it over do the same with the other 1
    7. And decorate that
    8. Roll up some news paper and tape it in place
    9. Then put that on
    10. Have fun!!

  11. How to make a mask

    1. First you have to have a template and trace the paper.
    2. After you trace the paper cut the extras off along with the line.
    (Handy tip.Cut around the mask so it would be easier for the little parts.Use small scissors.)
    3.Then you have to colour it .(please use coloured tissue.)
    4.Now use a piece of paper and then cut them into 3 strips.
    5.Try and make a crown like this, first you have to take two strips and then make a cross.Then make the third strip into a hoop and put them together.
    6.Stick the mask to the crown and there you go.


    Use news paper sticks to add even more decoration!

  12. This is how to make a carnival mask.
    first 1 we got cardboard paper and draw around the carnival mask.
    after 2 next we gave the cardboard paper and cut the eyes.
    after 3 next we decorated the carnival mask.

  13. 1.First you get a mask and a pencil then you draw around the mask.Now when you are finished take your to a adult and they will cut the eyes out for you.

    2.Now you will get some tissue paper what you do with the tissue paper is cut it out and put some of it on your mask and you can choose witch color you want.

    3.When you are done decorating your mask you make a crown.First make a adult staple the outside of it.

    4.Then you attache it together and then you have a mask also you can add more onto it.

  14. First
    make or buy a template of your mask shape then put it on paper and draw the outline of it .

    2. cut out the outline then start DECORATING!!!

    E.G using tissue paper ,paint ,colorful paper and much more!

    3. stick on with Glue or Masking Tape.

    those are the rule I've been taught !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. get a pice of paper then cut out a mask then costomise your mask after that get tree pices of small striped paper conct it to gethoer by the m aking a hellocopter spiny thing and conect it to to the mask

  16. 1. You will need a template of a mask.
    2. Then you have to draw around the template .
    3. Then you need to cot the lins of the templ
    4. Then you need to design your mask.
    5. After we made the hed band.
    6. After that we stick them together.

  17. You have to decorate the mask and then decorate your stick and put it on

  18. first we needed big paper and a template put the template in the middle of the big paper and take a pencil and draw around it the cut it out then use tissue paper then put it however you want then we gave it to john lynos to put on the crown and if you want you can put straws.

  19. so first to make these masks you need a template of a mask choose the option then draw out the masks on white card paper then once drawn cut it out then decorate with tissue paper and thats done

  20. The first step is to use the template to make the mask.
    the next step is to cot the mask and the eyes out (but you need an adult to cut the eyes out.
    after decourate it
    then make the crown
    then your done!

  21. you get a pieace of paper and then you decorate it and then get the other part and decorate again and then put it on

  22. 1.trace out your mask with pencil
    2. cut it out with scissors need glue
    4. design it how you want
    5. put a long stick at the top and you may also if you like add design to your stick
    6. put a long paper around measure with head then seel it with tape or glue then wear it

  23. i love doing the carnival masks because we got to do what ever we wanted to do with the masks and it was fun meeting john and telling us what to do and how to make them i enjoyed telling him how does it feel to be a poet
    and how did he become one how long had he been one
